Days 284-285 – 3/3-4/12 – Bristol Village

Morgantown to Waverly; Distance = 15 Miles; People Met = 5

The “People Met” total is misleading because the people we met at Bristol Village was counted towards the previous post.  Last night we went to a potluck for this residential retirement community and I gave a presentation.  Bristol Village resulted from the combination of a goal of a Presbyterian minister to help the elderly and a boom and bust housing market that resulted from the first nuclear enrichment plant near Waverly.

We came to Bristol Village via the Pike County Visitor Bureau in Waverly.  Ky contacted Sharon Munson there who was enthused about our endeavor and hooked us up with Bristol Village.  They provided us our own lovely apartment to stay in, which was nice to come back to after the past two days of cold weather hiking.  They extended an invitation to use their community pool and hot tub, but Cindy and I will probably just relax by the fireplace in the apartment.

Bristol Village Potluck

On the other hand, a few people we met yesterday I put in today’s total (don’t ask me why).  This includes Dennis Foreman, who noticed the Connecticut license plate on our support vehicle and struck up a conversation with us outside of Kroger’s.  Before we know it he’s calling his friend Steve over and then announces our presence to Jim, the manager of Kroger’s.

Dennis Foreman and Steve Adams

Jim and Shannon of Waverly's Kroger

As for the one person we actually met today, that was Cody Hopkins.  Out of nowhere a German shepherd came up to our side and started following us.  The dog was very lovable and we really wanted to pay him attention, but we are learning to ignore all dogs as best we can.  The next house we came to belonged to a cousin of the dog’s owner.  Cody kept the dog (Grover) busy with some belly rubbing as we continued on our way.

Cody and Grover

Other Photos

Not a good water source

Um, call again when?

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2 Responses to Days 284-285 – 3/3-4/12 – Bristol Village

  1. Jim Shaner says:

    When I prayer walked through the Waverly area, a woman paid for our motel for 5 nights and took out to eat. Also we met a homeless woman who came into a church just after my wife, Nadine, spoke about the helping the homeless. Tears ran down her cheeks as Nadine hugged her. Thank you so much for your ministry for we have also met the homeless and other who were in need.

    • admin says:

      Greetings Jim,
      Thanks for sharing that, Jim. As my next post reveals, there are some nonprofits doing good work in this regards. You know, we have similar missions, just that yours targets the nation and mine targets communities. Take care.

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