Day 338 – 4/26/12 – Twin Sisters

Old Bowie to Annapolis; Distance = 16 Miles; People Met = 4

This was a nondescript day, except for the end.  Our last evening in West Virginia was spent at the home of Torria (TJ) Quesenberry.  She has a twin sister Kyler who lives in Annapolis.  Kyler, husband Craig, and two neighbors were the only people we met on this raw, overcast day.

Craig, Kyler and Jax Kamp

The resemblance between Kyler and TJ was obvious; and when Kyler spoke we could well imagine we were back in West Virginia again.  Kyler prepared lasagna, chicken pot pie and a cold, vegetarian pizza in advance for our coming.  Afterwards, we sat in the living room catching glimpses of Wheel of Fortune and Big Bang Theory in between conversation.

Kyler, like twin sister TJ, is an art teacher.  Craig works on airplanes for the federal government, in particular the ones people like the VP and Secretary of State use.  They shared a story of a commercial flight they were once on where funny noises could be heard.  Craig assured them that nothing was unusual during the flight; after the flight he shared that something was wrong with the hydraulics but they have back up systems.  Sometimes we are just better off not knowing about some things.

Now I hope someday to meet both TJ and Kyler together to see if I can tell them apart.

Other Photo

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

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