Day 276-278 – 2/24-26/12 – Cold Spell

Bentonville to Route 125; Distance = 40 Miles; People Met = 8

Over this stretch the temperature was below freezing more often than above, including all of day 277.  That was not as much of problem as barking dogs.  They seem to be getting more aggressive as we head east, perhaps because we are in remote country.  Out west the dogs in remote country were fenced in to protect them from marauding predators.  In the east they apparently don’t have that concern.

The people were just as kind as always.  Regina provided information about a bridge being out with a huge smile.  During some flurries Rupert Gray stopped to see if we were doing OK.  At the very end of the stretch the good folks at the Shawnee State Park Resort allowed us to come in and use their wifi (photos below).

The best kindness along this stretch was when we arrived at the Briggs mailbox at the same moment that Bonnie Briggs needed to mail something.  A hiking enthusiast herself, she invited us in for some hot chocolate and for a nice chat with her and her husband Ronnie.  Ronnie and Bonnie are both retired from working at schools.  Ronnie always hailed from the Appalachian country of Ohio; Bonnie spent a good bit of time in the big sky land of Montana.  Bonnie informed us the temperature was 28 degrees at midday.

Ronnie and Bonnie Briggs

They wanted to make us sandwich and give us whatever supplies we asked for when we left, but hot chocolate and warm conversation, in addition to use of a bathroom, was enough for us.

Other Photos

Regina provided information with a smile

Rupert Gray checking in

Amanda and Andra at Shawnee State Park Resort

Poor spatial recognition

What's it all mean?

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4 Responses to Day 276-278 – 2/24-26/12 – Cold Spell

  1. Byron says:

    If you can make calls, reach me @ 614-306-6603. I have WAY too much info to write here to help you get to WV through Ohio. Trail updates, angels, campsites, etc.. I hope you get this before Serpent Mound Historical Site. 🙂

    • admin says:

      Greeting Byron,
      Right now we’re holing up at the Peebles Public Library waiting for the storm to blow over. We may hike some today, may not, but likely won’t reach serpent mounds until tomorrow (3/1). When I’m done with my Internet chores I’ll give you a call later today.

  2. The Scheffler family@shawnee says:

    Thanks for keeping human hope alive.In my life ,i have seen all types,but the ones imiire most are people like you to spread the word.I will try to do my part.its all about loving one other may GOD Bless you both.The Scheffler family at Shawnee

    • admin says:

      Greetings folks,
      It was a pleasure to hear your family have so much fun playing a board game in the background as we made our last post. We sort of wished we could have joined in! Thanks for touching base and take care!

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