Young Kindness

I’ve recently started working as a program teacher for a K-3 grade after school program.  Something happened yesterday that caused me to revisit a discussion I had with a pastor back in Indiana.

One of my platforms is we are naturally kind because we naturally have empathy.  A pastor questioned this, pointing to some studies that claimed kids are territorial at a young age.  At the time I had problems with this because studies like these are often structured to confirm what the researcher is looking for.  For example, if you did a study where you interspersed toddlers across a gym randomly they would migrate towards each other rather than stake out separate territories, and indicator of how social we are.

Nevertheless, I also had problems with the study because it did not jive with my own experiences.  The infants I’ve seen are territorial at times, sure, but they also are compassionate at other times.

While the age group I work with are not infants, the 4 and 5 year olds are young enough to not have been completely enculturated.  The behaviors they demonstrate will be in large part natural.  Some of these behaviors make you cringe, and some warm your heart.

Yesterday one of my students sat off apart from the group.  I went over and found out she was mourning the loss of her dog.  One of the younger boys came over and, before even hearing an explanation, wrapped his arms around her to provide comfort.  Truly a touching moment, and one that comes from the heart, not the enculturated mind.

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