Q&A – Why Walk for Charity?

During our journey I gave a talk to Westwood View Elementary School, in the Kansas City area.  The sixth grade teacher Brian Watson asked for and collected questions his students had after my presentation.  I look forward to finally addressing them.  The first one in the pile asked:  “What event made you want to walk for charity?”

What a terrific question from a young mind!  Though I doubt I can do it justice with one post.  The event was the book I wrote called Systems out of Balance.  This book described how misinformation has thrown society out of balance.  There were three problems stemming from this book that our walking for charity was addressing.

One problem was the need to head us in a positive direction, to get back in balance, by drawing attention to the virtues of kindness and community.  Another problem was the small audience for this original book; walking across the country gained a larger audience for what needs to be done.  The third problem was the lack of income from the small audience for the first book.  By gaining a larger audience for my message I am also increasing my earning potential, so I can sustain such a mission.

I can’t wait to address more questions.  If you have your own, please leave them in a comment and I’ll get to them right away.

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