Kindness First!

I’ve been promoting a Be Happy movement, where people substitute a greeting of “Be Happy” for “Be Safe.”  Another Safety saying is “Safety First!”  As I posted a few days ago, in a country where we are supposed to follow “The Pursuit of Happiness” that should be our primary focus instead.  Meanwhile, pursuit of happiness leads us towards kindness; pursuit of safety or security generally leads us away.

Now that I think about it, “Kindness First!” makes for a better slogan behind this new movement.  As part of that movement greeting someone with “Be Happy” is a simple objective that can be readily achieved.  I would like to promote two other simple objectives as well for the “Kindness First!” movement, but I could use a little help with determining what those objectives are.  I have some ideas, but I think there could be much better ones out there.

Once I nail down the three initial objectives for the “Kindness First!” movement I’ll start providing incentives for people to follow them, or at least to report on here that they intend to follow them.  I’ll also provide an incentive for you to share your ideas.  Just leave a comment on this web site with your suggestion and I’ll email you a slideshow of ADT pictures set to The Bards of Balance music.

So let’s put on our thinking caps.  What routine behavior such as greeting someone to “Be Happy” can be used to promote a “Kindness First!” movement?

I’m feeling a little better these days, recovering from my bout with Lyme disease.  Pretty soon I’ll be able to scout out acts of kindness on a regular basis.  In the meantime, please send me your own story of kindness to share if you have one.

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