Heads Up!

Starting near the end of next week Cindy and I, along with our daughter Charissa, will be spending a few days in Florida. I anticipate that this time will provide me the opportunity to catch up on posts I want to make on this blog. Towards that end I’ve been holding back on what will be some poignant topics.

I will share these string of posts as part of a fundraising campaign that will be called “Calm your Mind,” for a reason that will be made clear when the campaign starts. The reason for the fundraising effort itself is to install a walk-in shower at our house. I now must lift Cindy into and out of the bathtub for our showers. She trusts me pretty well to do this now, but the task will become much easier with a walk-in shower. I will provide more details when the campaign starts; I know you will enjoy some of the posts that will follow from the campaign.


While I’m at it, another “heads up” is our need for a live-in caregiver come August. Our daughter Serena will be going out to California to start a new, exciting chapter of her life. I am happy for her, but we will need to replace the income her presence as a “figurehead” caregiver draws. We have a somewhat secluded attic space where the caregiver can live rent free. The income that Caregiver Homes provides for this arrangement is nontaxable and nonreportable, but it cannot go to a spouse. Thus the checks will go to the official “caregiver” but will be split with us, in lieu of rent, and in acknowledgement that I provide the bulk of the care.

Leave a comment if you are interested.


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6 Responses to Heads Up!

  1. kathleen wallace says:

    Welcome to Florida fellow Winthrop Hall resident! I am sorry to hear about your current situation. A dear friend of mine is going thru the same thing with her father. Can you enlighten me as to what Caregivers Home is? Is it only in your area or nationwide? She needs all the help she can get and is at a loss as what to do. I hope you are able to enjoy some of your “vacation”. Not sure where you are headed but we about to get a tropical storm…batten down the hatches!

    • admin says:

      Sorry this took so long to reply. I generally visit the site once a week. We will be in Orlando, Florida from June 9-15. Caregiver Homes is in many states, but not all. Usually, there is a state agency involved as well in order for Caregiver Homes to provide live-in caregiver funds. Be well.

  2. Kim says:

    Hi K&C,
    Let me know when you return from Florida. Perhaps we can sync our schedules and hook up in mid July. We will be in Virginia for about 3 weeks, returning after the holiday. All Love, always.

  3. Aretha says:

    I glad to hear that you guys are traveling. For the fundraising event let me know if you need assistance with anything.. I’m also interested in lesrning more about the caregiver position.

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