Days 318-319 – 4/6-7/12 – Knobley Road

Scherr to Fort Ashby; Distance = 39.4; People Met = 13

This stretch started out with the unexpected beauty of Greenland Gap and ended with the unexpected kindness of passing motorists inviting us into their home.  This further elaborates the point I was trying to make in the last point.  The actual destination or goal plays a small part in the overall journey; what you experience along the way is what will transform your life.

Greenland Gap is now a Nature Preserve surrounding a trout stream with looming cliffs on either side.  The pictures from this are destined to become another photo album on my Facebook fan page.  There’s nothing quite like traveling along a vibrant stream, not a large river mind you, for natural company.

We only a couple people on the first day, but on the second there were several memorable encounters.  Roger Kesner hailed us as we were passing by his house, wanting to know if we needed water.  Indeed we did, and he brought us out some cold well water.  There was an irony in this exchange.  Roger echoed what we have heard from a few West Virginians, that people as a whole are not nice.  He expressed this as he kept refilling our water glass.

Rogen Kesner and son Brian

We were next hailed by Don Wyers and Adam Foltz.  We were talking about community and Don offered an insight I will include with my list of impediments to community.  School consolidations have had a detrimental effect on communities.  No doubt the closings of the small town post office, in many cases the only hub for the town, will have the same effect.

Adam Foltz and Don Wyers

The final encounter came as three young adults pulled up next to us in their pick-up.  We told them what we were doing, including our immediate goal of finding a camp spot around the turn of Baker Road.  TJ Quesenberry mentioned they lived at the other end of Baker Road and we were welcome to stay with them.  So we did, hoofing it for 24 miles total that day.

TJ and Josh

TJ, boyfriend Josh and guest Brook treated us to supper.  TJ got up earlier than her normal routine to fix us some delicious egg sandwiches as well, I take it a specialty of hers.  Not only that, but I’ve since learned she has hooked us up with her sister Kyle out in Annapolis.  A gift that keeps on giving!

After the way West Virginia treated us as a whole I should not have found this surprising, just more amazing experiences for a journey not yet finished.

Other Photos

Marty Dunham chatted with us awhile

Homer Simpson was here

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6 Responses to Days 318-319 – 4/6-7/12 – Knobley Road

  1. D. Twigg says:

    I live a couple of miles from Green Spring,WV and on Easter sunday my grandkids had hunted easter eggs when two people were walking by my house. Being Easter I told two of my grandsons to take some candy to them. They ran to the top of the drive way and gave the candy to the two strangers that is when we found out who they were. They were Kirk and his wife Cindy Sinclair. May God bless and keep you safe in your travels.

    • admin says:

      I’ve mentioned that incident in my latest post (Happy Easter!). We were quite touched by it. Thank you.

  2. Lin Ladrigan says:

    OM Goodness you are almost home… What a trip you had… I bet you are excited and sadden about your completion of your trip. Can’t wait for your book. Thank you for visiting us. We will not forget you

    • admin says:

      Greetings Lin,
      Thanks for keeping up on us. Right now we’re excited about meeting our congressman and getting together with an old friend of Cindy’s near DC. We will not forget you either and will keep in touch.

  3. Anne Q. Indino says:

    Hi Cindy, Kirk and Ky, I’ve been showing my mother your website. After looking at the map of what you have walked she wanted to know how may pairs of shoes and socks you have worn out? Will be awaiting your return to CT! Anne

    • admin says:

      Greetings Anne,
      Say “hi” to your Mom for me … and to Tom the next time you run into him. I’m on my fifth pair of all-terrain shoes. Cindy had been on only her second pair from Colorado to here (Harpers Ferry), but she’s about to use her third pair.

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