Days 229-230 – 1/8-9/11 – Blazed Trail

Muddy River to Makanda; Distance =  23 Miles; People Met = 6

We are following the first blazed hiking trail since Colorado.  After a climb to get on top of the bluffs we’ve been following the past week, we entered the Clear Springs Wilderness, contouring nondescript ridges and forest on a heavily overcast day.  The rain came at night, turning to ice on our tent by morning, followed by bright sun later.  That’s the best kind of rain – at night softly drumming your tent.  The second day was better than the first, with varied terrain and forests accompanied by the sun.

The first wilderness area and hiking trail since Colorado

It’s a delight to follow a blazed trail, taking the guesswork out of route finding and relaxing the mind.  The blazes used by the River to River Trail are wooden white diamonds with an “i” painted on it.  Since they are not simply painted on a tree or post they are used sparingly, and sometimes I suspect they have been removed.  One problem I encountered was at a trail junction.  I started to follow what should have been the right trail, only to see the number 100 on the wooden diamonds front and back of a tree.  We are supposed to be following Trail 001 so I took out my map and compass and laboriously lined things up.  I concluded we HAD to be on the right trail.  With that certain knowledge it then dawned on me that both diamonds were placed upside down.

Another problem may have been due to hard feelings.  Our host Mike Ellet in Grand Tower mentioned that horse packers had some resentment over the River to River Trail.  I can’t remember what the issue was, and indeed there is more evidence of horse packing on the trail than hiking.  Yet we had trouble finding our route once near a private residence because of a horse trailer parked in the way.

We went into Carbondale at the end of the second day with Ky to catch up on wifi work and stay at the UCC Church of the Good Shepherd.  We were greeted by Pastor Sonja Ingebritsen and parishioner George upon arrival.  Many of the churches are a bit too big for the size of the congregation.  This UCC Church was sized perfectly, providing a nice, homey feel.

Pastor Sonja

Other Photos

Sheriff Robbie McGee gave us a map to use

Cho at Carbondale Cycle gave us his National Forest Service map

I must have made a wrong turn in Albuquerque

OK, who's not smiling right now?

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One Response to Days 229-230 – 1/8-9/11 – Blazed Trail

  1. Nancy Eckel says:

    You’re on the home stretch! Sorry about the snow! But we’ll be very happy to see you! Love, Nancy Eckel

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