Days 204-205 – 12/14-15/11 – The Feel of New England

Photos to be added later

Marshall to Boonville; Distance = 36 Miles; People Met = 4

The two towns on either end of this stretch, Marshall and Boonville, have the feel of New England mill towns, at least for some of the parts we hiked through.  Marshall more so with the factories; Boonville more so with the curved, hilly, wooded streets with “blue collar” housing.

Adding to this feel is the weather we’ve been experiencing lately.  Coming into Marshall we got soaked in a cool rain; coming out of Marshall was a warm but wet day; heading into Boonville the temperature was in the thirties.

We know the temperature because Ted Smith stopped to ask us what we were doing, with the implication he was prepared to help out a pair of unfortunate stragglers who could not have planned to be walking in the middle of nowhere with such inclement weather.  Bill stopped to ask if we were alright as well, obviously prepared to drive us into Boonville.  When we told him we were hiking 5,000 miles he threw up his hands as if to say either that:  “Well I guess such hardy folk don’t need a ride!” or “Well I guess such foolish folk don’t want a ride!”  I could not quite tell from his expression which one of those he meant.

I’ll have to add pictures later because I’m having a tough time finding extended Internet access for the past four days, and that difficulty will appear to continue for at least two more days.  I may come back flush this post out some more … or just go on to the next one.

Ted Smith


The llama must be filling in



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