Day minus 13 Countdown – The Library

Today I prepared a library of books to bring along in the support vehicle.  I have books for research and writing, books for discovering the Discovery Trail and books for hobbies and enjoyment.

In the “old” days I would pack multiple books for my enjoyment, a few guidebooks for the trail and nature and at least one for enjoyment.  During the Continental Divide hike I read War and Peace, actually reading and walking at the same time when the trail was on roads!

I’ll probably limit the books I carry to one at a time, now that I’m old and decrepit.  Some of the books are still pretty heavy, but that is OK.  My philosophy on weight is a little different than the prevalent movement to go ultralite.

Then again, I’m wondering if I’ll have enough time to read much.  If I was just hiking, sure, no problem.  Meeting up with Lions Clubs and frequently going through towns may curb the available time a bit, which would be perfectly fine with me.

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