Day 209 = 12/19/11 – Santa’s Letter

Hartsburg to North Jefferson; Distance = 10.4 Miles; People Met =

Bad weather was in the forecast for a few days, but the worst of it was not supposed to come until afternoon and night of this day.  We adjusted by going only as far as North Jefferson, where we were picked up by Pastor Clairnel and brought back to the Gustofson household.

Clairnel is quite fond of her parish at Peace UCC in Hartsburg.  She described a Christmas when she asked if to put a hot tub in her bathroom that her son Matt was giving her for Christmas.  The church responded by remodeling her whole bathroom for her.  She also shared a story of how the church came to the aid of a family in need.

We were quite fortunate to spend time with Wendy Gustofson, her son Daniel, and her AFS “son” Allan from Chile.  Sure, the outdoor Jacuzzi was quite nice; sure, her former employment with CBS opened the door for a television report on us.  What really made the stay special was just being with family, taking us back to our own years of raising teenagers in the case of Allan, and nine-year olds in the case of Daniel.

We had the pleasure to witness Daniel receive a letter from Santa, postmarked from the North Pole.  Watching the excitement was priceless.  I’m going to have a podcast of Daniel’s reaction in the next letter I send out to supporters and friends.  If you want to be included on that list just send me your email.

Wendy and son Daniel reading Santa's letter

Ky, Chilean AFS student Allan, Pastor Clairnel Nervik

Adam Pulley, CBS Cameraman in the Gustofson home

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2 Responses to Day 209 = 12/19/11 – Santa’s Letter

  1. Mike H. says:

    Dear Kirk and Cindy,

    Merry Christmas! I hope the Christmas Eve finds you safe and warm, enjoying the peace of the holiday.

    My best wishes to you both.

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