Day 173 – 11/13/11 – Wink Ministry

People Met = 15+

All the new people met today were at the First Congregational Church in McPherson, where I gave a talk.  I knew that Pastor Connie Lunn wanted me to speak about the journey, but it was decided only after we got there that I should do the sermon.  The title for the sermon in the bulletin was Salvation and Second Chances; I tied my talk into that by saying it was about the second great commandment, love thy neighbor, which is key to our social salvation.

The Sanctuary

We had lots of fine chats with lots of people during the ensuing coffee hour, pictures of whom are provided below.  Most of the day was spent with Annette Karr, the founder of Wink Ministry.  What is Wink Ministry you ask?  Take a listen below.

Other Photos

Annette and Moderator Kent

Charles and daughter Krista visiting from Virginia

Diana, a caterer at heart

On the far side: Nancy, Ky and Pastor Connie Lunn

Server Pepi and Spry Ellen

Nancy the gardener

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2 Responses to Day 173 – 11/13/11 – Wink Ministry

  1. Annette Karr says:

    We were honored to have Kirk, Cindy and Ky visit the First Congregational United Church of Christ in McPherson.

    Kirk provided the sermon. One we should all hear. He spoke about the wonderment of community and despite what one hears on the news, the vast majority of humans and other species are community based and are available to respond to the needs of fellow community members.

    Three areas constrict the flow of community welfare. The first is vanity. The message has been “You deserve it all,” without concern of how one’s lifestyle affects the larger body. The second is cynicism which is also fed by the media. Kyle called the third apprehension but I call it fear. Fear that there isn’t enough. If one had faith in the abundance of life and in community, that fear would disolve.

    Blessing to you dear ones on your brave journey.

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