Day 168 – 11/8/11 – Prairie Land Foods

People Met = 3

I went to the Larned library to take care of some wifi business.  There I met Donna Stejskal, who happens to be in charge of Prairie Land Foods when she is not the Circulation Clerk at the library.  Prairie Land Foods is part Angel Foods, part Habitat for Humanity.  The Angel Foods part is providing food packages at a discounted price.  The Habitat part is requiring participants to put in a couple hours of community service, or sweat equity as Habitat would call it.  Based on the honor system, people bring in written documentation of what they did, like provide rides to the store for the elderly.  I never thought about applying the Habitat model to food before.  This idea was definitely a keeper.

Donna Stejskal

Donna is passionate about Prairie Land Foods, and about community involvement in general.  She is with another group that garners community involvement in a variety of projects connected with historic places in the area.  We resonated with each other’s concern for getting people in a community to roll up their sleeves together.

Donna is undergoing treatment for cancer right now, and that provides for a bit of an amazing story itself.  With the added cost of insurance making health care unaffordable for many, Donna benefited from winning a free mammogram at a county fair.  Well, guess what that free mammogram discovered?  Just a coincidence?  Or not?  She now hopes to be undergoing her final treatment tomorrow.  I hope I hear from her how it goes.

We kept bumping into Frank, the UMCs custodian, throughout the day.  Frank almost always has a smile and laughs easily.  As we were settling down for the evening Frank came in to say his wife sent him back here to offer us showers and laundry.  We took him up on the offer and he drove us to his house where we met Linda.

Frank and Linda

Frank and Linda are taking care of their grandkids; not surprisingly, both have to work.  We learned of this growing demographic of people raising their grandkids back in Pueblo; it was an eye-opener to encounter this trend personally.

Other Photos

Pastor Bill of the Larned United Methodist Church

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