Day 115 – 9/16/11 Frisco to Dillon

Distance = 5 Miles; People Met = 5

Today was the yin and yang of people, and I’m actually not including the “yang” in my tally.  Before getting back on the trail we wanted to do some computer/Internet work.  We actually had trouble finding a place, but our first stop at the Breckenridge library was still very rewarding.   There we met librarian Carol Christiansen, who was as excited about our journey as anyone could be.  She wanted her picture taken standing between Cindy and I holding my book which she purchased.  If we had stayed in Breckenridge for any length in time Carol would have like use to speak to her (Methodist) church.

Cindy, Carol, Kirk

I’ll put Carol’s picture up later; at the moment I don’t have access to my own computer with the pictures.  We ran into her later in the day, at Frisco, just as we were about to start hiking into the evening, the beginning of our “yang.”  We hugged each other as if we had known each other for a long time, a perfect way to end the “yin” portion of the day.

Chris and Matt at Wilderness Sports in Frisco had advised us to take the road instead of the bike path to Dillon, so we did.  A map indicated the total mileage to Dillon as being close to six miles.  I figured going halfway would put us in National Forest at dusk and we could set up camp for the night.  Well, there was an error in my judgment and the mileage (which probably was for the bike path route).  We ended up all the way in Dillon at dark with no place to stay in a busy area.

Along the way we ran into two people who, in retrospect, apparently believed we were joking when we told them about our journey and cause.  One was a campground host who was not willing to barter for the $18 cost of simply putting up a tent somewhere.  The other was a police officer in Dillon that we turned to for help when we did not know where to camp.  It probably did not help that after several fruitless ideas and pleas I asked if he would put us in jail for the night.  Hey!  We were getting desperate.  He commented several times that we would just be given a ticket and that the police here did not have a sense of humor.

So we ended up at a Best Western.  What’s wrong with that, you ask?  First, we were just put up in a hotel by trail angels two nights ago.  We were in no need of another hotel “fix” so soon.  Second, this is our last wilderness stretch ahead, going over our highest point on the trip, before coming down out of the high mountains for the last time on the other side.  Third, we just can’t afford these expenses.  We have two “reserves.” One is cash that we use to fund our support.  That’s doing OK, but at current projections will run out before the trip is done.  The other is my bank account, which is now cutting close the ability to pay one year of bills in our absence.

On the other hand, when I got up this morning to make this post from the Best Western lobby it had rained during the night, and perhaps snowed again at the higher elevations, so perhaps I should just view this as another serendipitous moment.

There was a pile of Summit Daily papers on the lobby’s desk and, lo and behold, there was as article on us done by Kathryn Corazzelli, who hails from North Stonington, Connecticut.  It was a very nice article, though I might point out to you folks we are not a retired couple.  Anyways, on the heels of that two people at breakfast were enthused about recognizing us, and hopefully there is a police officer out there who realizes we weren’t joking.  Best of all, Anna from Best Western comped our room for the night.  Thank you, Anna!

Anna at Best Western

Humanitarian hikers stop in Summit County

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2 Responses to Day 115 – 9/16/11 Frisco to Dillon

  1. Bill Spalding says:

    I met your brother last night at a birthday party in Lime Rock, CT. and was fascinated by your story of adventure. There are days when I avoid walking to the mailbox, much less from coast to coast. I send you my thoughts of a safe, fruitful journey. PS I am enjoying the music as well. I will follow you as best I can. Bill

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