Day 052 – 7/15/11 Cave Lake CG to Osceola Road

Distance > 18 Miles; People Met = 0

The highlight of the day was getting to Cooper Summit (really a pass) in time for a break and to cheer Brian Starks on as he came over the pass during his run.  He comes off as an unassuming humble guy who happens to be an elite endurance athlete.  For that matter the Oxborrows were two of the most supportive people you will meet.  Ted was effusive in his praise for Cindy, Ky and me.  For anyone reading this from the old Appalachian Trail days, Ted Oxborrow reminds me a lot of Mr. Doyle.

Brian Running up to Cooper Summitt

I came to the conclusion today that I might have drank some bad water at some point.  I’ve never thought so earlier because I would expect to feel more lethargic than I have.  Yet at Cave Lake campground I resisted going in the water because it just seemed like too much energy.  “Back in the day” I’ve broken through ice in order to jump into a high altitude lake.  Now I don’t have enough energy to dive into a Nevada lake?

Whatever it is it’s on the mend.  The two days out of Carvers were the worst in terms of lethargy.  That was followed by the intestinal disorder.  Now my plumbing seems to be OK and I’m not AS lethargic, though I apparently have a little ways to go still.

We got to go up and down some nice canyons today.  I absorbed it as much as I could:  some heated valley walking returns to our near future.

View from Cooper Summitt

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