Community Workshop Audience

While walking across the country I gave talks to community organizations, schools and faith-based groups.  I assumed these would be the same audiences I give talks to after the journey, and they will.  Yet since the recent public speaking workshop I attended I’ve been prompted to think in terms of the audiences I can best move towards community action.

At the top of the list is the Residential Life staff of colleges.  Having been a Hall Director once myself, I am aware of the great potential for building community in your dormitory at college.  The demographics of the audience, young people of all backgrounds, make this the most important for reviving community action.

This would be a different type of presentation, more like a workshop to feature “How to” rather than inspiring slides and stories describing “What is.”  If you know of a college that might be interested in this let me know at hiking(dot)humanitarian(at)gmail(dot)com.

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