Cindy’s Brief One-Liners

“I’m dying here!” Cindy exclaimed.

No, this was not from feeling under the weather or depressed about her condition. Indeed, she recently got over a cold and has been in a jovial mood lately. I also recently shaved my beard and hair, but I yet assume she is laughing with me, not at me. Whatever the cause, she laughs frequently from when she first sees me in the morning until I tuck her in at night.

For example, this particular morning the cause for Cindy “dying” was Garfield chasing a light around the kitchen. Afflicted with Alzheimer’s, Cindy’s concern that morning was actually “dying” from laughter.


Three word sentences are close to Cindy’s limit these days. I know her mind conceptualizes more, but that is all that comes out. Many times, the three words are a small part of a larger sentence and thought she wants to express. Occasionally, few words expresses what she wants precisely.

Occasionally, Cindy feels quite proud about her three word sentence, usually at my expense. The very same day of “I’m dying here” Cindy delivered a real zinger. I was doing my aerobic workout with Cindy watching as usual. I turned to her and declared: “I’m working on becoming a hunk!”

“It won’t help,” she retorted, cracking herself up in the process. No mistake, she definitely was laughing AT me.

Alas, I have no one to blame but myself. After years of taunting Cindy in similar fashion she is having a grand time with pay back … as long as she can do so with just a few words.

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