Cruising Norfolk in the Datemobile

Pedicab season is here again, but I’ve been remiss not to mention what tided us over in the interim. February was unseasonably warm in Norfolk, warm enough even to get Cindy outside, as long as I found a way to transport her. Thankfully, the same campaign that funded the pedicab had enough funds left over to also purchase a wheelchair. I call this our datemobile, since its main use has been wheeling Cindy along the streets of Norfolk on what now serves as dates for us.

Many dates ended up at Wood Creek Bar and Grill, with a couple landing us at the newly opened Berkshire Country Store as well. Yet whether those were our eventual destinations or not I wheeled Cindy throughout the village center, passing most of our village icons such as the Town Hall and Library, as well as wheeling along the Yale Summer School of Art and Music property.

Norfolk truly is a special place. Since we live in the house I was raised in, living here has been “business as usual” for me. I’m actually not one to do it justice, not like Cindy who fulfilled her wish with village living. I sometimes joked that she married me only to live in my town. Yet is that really a joke? Consider this entry in one of Cindy’s journals:

“A crisp morning, still many flowers bloomed at Yale. Thoughts of the anniversary party we attended alst night came to mind. There was such a feeling of warmth between the couple Al & Bess Perry and family and friends.

My thoughts wandered to my own hometown. A wonderful place for children to play, with a swamp, hiking trails and grass mounds. Time changes towns and even the old swamp has houses on it now.

Growing up, I dreamed of a small New England town with old buildings, a green, rolling fields and woods.

As fate and marriage would have it, I ended up in Norfolk. A picture book New England town in appearance with its church on the green and stately old buildings.

And I’ve found Norfolk is not only a beautiful town, it is a friendly town.

It’s going to a 50 year anniversary party of a teacher who taught you in Junior High School. It’s waving to people you don’t know, until you do know them (and sometimes asking your husband what their name is). It’s growing up here and then raising your own children here, it’s letting the kids cut through your yard because it’s a good short cut to Maple Avenue and it’s not locking your doors.

As I leave Yale and look onto the green, I know this is the small town of my dreams and I know I’m home. (9/90)”

Obviously, in some ways life dealt Cindy a bad hand, but in other ways she was dealt cards she precisely wanted. Cindy made the most out of Norfolk, hiking the trails, attending cultural functions, involving herself in the community, raising a family near the village center. Now she gets to enjoy Norfolk for one more pedicab season, with room on the seat for others. Come join us!

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2 Responses to Cruising Norfolk in the Datemobile

  1. Marc Rebillard says:

    Nice, keep cruising and spreading the kindness.

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